Treatex is your all-round partner for the packaging, repackaging, mixing, filling and storage of chemical liquids and powders.

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Persoon met beschermende kledij aan opent vat van menger
icon of a package

Packaging and repackaging

Treatex specialises in the packaging and repackaging of chemical products. Safe, punctual and tailored to your needs.
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Mixing and stirring

We produce liquids and powders for a number of different sectors. We do this with expertise and we uphold confidentiality.
Icon of stacked boxes, under a roof


Need a flexible safety stock or long-term storage? Your goods deserve secure and easily accessible accommodation.
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Quality & innovation

Treatex continually invests in its expertise, safety and innovation. This makes us an all-round partner for any questions you may have.

Our qualities

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We provide a tailor-made solution for your project

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Safety first

We meet the most strict safety and environmental requirements.

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Always on time

We guarantee a smooth processing of your project. Always with respect of your planning.


We provide a tailor-made solution for your project

Safety first

We meet the most strict safety and environmental requirements.

Always on time

We guarantee a smooth processing of your project. Always with respect of your planning.

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Foto persoon quote

John Doe

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John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.

John Doe

About us

Treatex in Genk (B) and Padron (ES) is your all-round partner for the packaging, repackaging, mixing, filling and storage of chemical liquids and powders. With 20 years experience, we serve leading customers such as BASF, Brenntag and IMCD. However, we will also be happy to help you with a customised solution for smaller volumes. At Treatex, every customer receives the same quality and attention. Our USPs? A mix of high quality facilities, in-depth expertise and extra service.

View of Treatex interior
Man working on laptop with a mobile in his hands

We'd love to help you!

Do you have questions? Would you like to make an appointment? Can we help you with your project? Feel free to contact us.

Contact us